XR Origin, Your Presence in VR
Objective: Go over XR Origin.
XR Origin is the players Head and Hands in the VR world. We can add this by clicking in the Hierarchy → XR → XR Origin.
When I added the XR Origin the Main Camera is offset from the XR Origin’s position as seen below.
To fix this all it took was to change Toggle Tool Handle Position from Center to Pivot.
The XR Origin comes with a Camera Offset, Main Camera, Left and Right hand controllers.
The Camera Offset is to adjust the camera height which can be done from the XR Origin parent component. On the XR Origin component comes prefilled out. The only thing that will need to be adjust will be the Tracking Origin Mode.
The Tracking Origin Mode can be either Floor, Device, or Not Specified. Floor is recommended if the game play will have room feeling or a lot of walking around.It will be aligned to the real world floor. While Device set’s the position based on the device.
Thanks for reading!