Using Height Maps and Pixel Displacement

Tyler Smallwood
3 min readOct 6, 2022


Objective: Give a brief description on how to use Height maps and Pixel Displacement.

For this we will need a material that is similar to rocks on a path way. I will be using FileBase and downloading Stone4.

Now we will create a 3D plane, but right clicking in the hierarchy and going to 3D Object → Plane.

We will attach our stone material to the plane.

We will want to create a height map now. Pull the Diffuse texture into your photo editing program. I’ll be using Photoshop.

In Photoshop we will go Filter → 3D →Generate Bump (Height) Map…

Our Texture will turn a darker color and a window will open up. You can click Ok on the window.

It is a little dark so we will go to Image → Auto Contrast.

Now save this into the same folder that the original file was from.

Back on the Stone Material, we will change the Displacement mode from none to Pixel Displacement.

After doing that Under Surface Inputs, we now have a place to put our Height Map.

This gives the stone material a 3D look to it by adding some height.

There are some options you can change under the Displacement Mode area. This will allow the height to fade in and out sooner or later.

This is was a little guide on how to set up height maps and use Unity’s Pixel Displacement system. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!



Tyler Smallwood

I am passonate on learning to program and use Unity to become a skillful Unity Developer