Simple Timeline Animations

Tyler Smallwood
3 min readDec 29, 2022


Objective: Create a Animation with Timeline.

To begin with this simple animation we will need to set up the scene a little. Let’s add a cube for the ground and a cube to animate.

Next we will create an empty game object named Timeline.

To open up the timeline window we will go to Window → Sequencing → Timeline.

With the Timeline object selected we will click create. I created a folder named Directors to save the Timeline in.

Now to create an Animation track, there are two different ways of doing this. One way is to select the plus sign and select Animation Track.

Or we drag in the object and select Animation Track.

Next is to start working on the animation. In the Timeline select the record button to start recording.

To get the current position we can go into the object and right click Add Key.

Now we move the object to a location and back. Our Timeline will now have multiple keys.

If you made a mistake you can double click and it’ll take you to the Animation window so you can adjust the keys.

Next we will create a clip out of this so we can add more animations to this object.

We repeat this two more times with different animations.

If we save the scene, we can see in the Project window under the timeline each animation saved.

We just created three different animations with one object. If we want to, in the timeline we can swap the animations around how ever we want or even blend them together.

Now we can hit play in the timeline and get to watch all the animations!

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!



Tyler Smallwood
Tyler Smallwood

Written by Tyler Smallwood

I am passonate on learning to program and use Unity to become a skillful Unity Developer

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