Setting up Virtual Cameras
Objective: Set up a Virtual Camera.
We will cover setting up a Virtual Camera in a scene.
To start, at the top go to Cinemachine → Create Virtual Camera.
when the Virtual Camera is created, in the Hierarchy there will be a new objected named CM vcam1, if you create another it’ll be CM vcam2.
The component of the Virtual camera that we will look at now will be the Priority. Priority is important to remember if there are multiple cameras in a scene. Which ever is higher will automatically be the main camera.
There are more options to look at as well.
Body will be used to follow an object. You will have the option to set how far away or close to that object it will follow. Aim is for following the player. It’s main purpose is to keep the camera on the object and not let it out of it’s sight.
This was a little guide on setting up a Virtual camera. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!