Locomotion, Freedom in VR
Objective: Set up Locomotion
VR games would not be fun if you can’t move around. That is where Locomotion is key. On the XR Origin, added the Locomotion System component and dropped in the XR Origin.
To turn around with the controllers there is Continuous Turn and Snap Turn. I will be using Snap turn. Some people may find that Continuous turn will give motion sickness.
We don’t use the Left Hand Reference because left will be used later.
For moving we will use the Continuous Move Provider(Action-based). This component will help adjust how fast we move, if we can fly, or even strafe. The two main things we will need to figure out is which hand will move and what will be forward source. I will use the Camera(head) as the forward source. So depending where the main camera is facing will be forward.
With that we can move around! Thanks for reading!