How to switch between cameras in Cinemachine
Objective: Switch between cameras manually.
There are two ways we can switch camera’s. One way, that we will cover today, is to deactivate the camera object manually, so that’ll move to the next in the list. Or we can use coding to do it once a certain key is pressed.
When disabling an Virtual Camera, it’ll go to the next in line or the next highest Priority.
In our scene, we have a camera set to 119, 50, 10, and 5.
When ever I disabled cam2, cam1 took control and it continued until there was no other camera to go to.
Another way to switch cameras manually is to select the camera and click Solo.
Which ever camera you select Solo on, Solo will change to a golden color.
This let’s us know what camera we are looking though in the game scene.
This is a quick guide on changing camera’s manually during play. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!