How to Install the Universal Render Pipeline

Tyler Smallwood
3 min readSep 22, 2022


Objective: Go over how to install Universal Render Pipeline(URP)

In the past I have wrote an article on how to upgrade your current project to URP. If you want to read up the link is below.

Today we will cover how to start a project in URP. This guide will be continuation of the project that we have been talking about recently. Before this article I exported the project so we can decide if we want to go URP or HDRP, it also serves as a backup.

To start we will create a new project and select 3D(URP) to start working with the Universal Render Pipleline. For this article I’ll be using 2020.3 LTS.

Once the project is created you will get a sample scene. In this scene there will already be some Objects in the scene.

As I mentioned earlier I exported my recent project and now I’m going to import it into this project. We’ll go to Assets →Import Package → Custom Package.

When you get your project you will get to import it.

Now that it got imported, we can see in the project window, all the folders from the imported project.

When we open up our Control_Room Scene, we will notice all of our assets are now pink!

Let’s fix that. To fix it we will go to Edit → Render Pipeline → Universal Render Pipeline → Upgrade Project Materials to UnversalRP Materials.

A Material Upgrader window will pop up and select proceed.

Our assets are now longer pink!

This is a way to upgrade your project to use URP. We did it this way so we can try the same thing using HDRP and see which one we will want to use.

A nice little side note, depending on what your project will be used on is a good indication on which pipeline to use. If your project is for a mobile device, it may be better to use URP. If it is for consoles and Computers then HDRP may be used. It is ultimately up to you to decide.

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!



Tyler Smallwood

I am passonate on learning to program and use Unity to become a skillful Unity Developer