How to Alter Your Pre-Built Texture Maps

Tyler Smallwood
3 min readSep 27, 2022


Objective: Talk about getting a asset and changing the look.

When ever we download an asset and the color does not match the look we are aiming for, some may try and contact the artist. We can take a texture of that asset and change it outside of Unity to give it the color we want.

To change the texture of an object, a photo editing program will be needed, I’ll be using Photoshop. You can use other ones like Gimp as well.

To start find the object you want to change and expand it’s material.

Under Surface Inputs select the picture to the left of Base Map.

When you select the image, it will show you where it is located in the Project window. Now right click the texture file and click Show in Explorer.

Now we drag this into our photo editing program

For Photoshop, in the layers area we will add Hue/Saturation.

With the Hue/Saturation, you can get the color down to how you would like it. For me, i am going for a more metallic color. This is depending on your wants.

Next will be to add the Curves to the file.

Here we can make the image more bright or dark and bring out the contrast if we want.

Now we save this as a .PNG in the same folder but with a different name. In Photoshop 2022, we will go File → Save a Copy. Save it Under a different name, so you can revert it if need be.

Now back in Unity there will be the Texture we just adjusted.

Just drag that into the Base map of the shader that is on the object you want to change.

Now if you look at the objects in the Scene, you can tell they have changed.

If you change it again in Photoshop and just replace it, Unity will automatically update it to the new save file.

That is how you can take a pre-made asset and adjust to fit your games style. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!



Tyler Smallwood
Tyler Smallwood

Written by Tyler Smallwood

I am passonate on learning to program and use Unity to become a skillful Unity Developer

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