Day 84: The Start of a new Project
Objective: Set up a new project for 2.5D Platformer
For this next game, we will be creating a 2.5D Platformer. Today is just the setting up of the project.
We start by creating a 3D project, I am currently using a beta Unity hub version right now so it may look different to other people. First thing we will do is select New Project.
In the next screen, at the top, we will select which version we would like to use, I will be using 2019.4. Select 3D in the center and on the right bottom side, put in the name and location to save.
Once you hit Create project at the bottom, the editor will open up.
To start prototyping this game out we will need some platforms, which we will create as a prefab, collectables as well. We will need a player, the player will be a capsule, platforms are just cubes, and finally the collectables are spheres.
The platforms are scaled up on the X to make them longer. Every object will be set to 0 on the Z axis. This is due to the player only being able to walk right and left, only on the X and Y axis.
The Collectables will need their collider set to Is Trigger and a rigidbody with gravity turned off.
Finally our player’s turn. For now there is nothing we need to do besides change the tag to Player. Later on we will be creating a player movement script.
This is all we need to start this next journey. Thank you for joining today and reading. Have a wonderful day!