Day 4: More Productive Editor Layout in Unity
When that first project opens, there a lot of windows that show up in Unity. We will discuss some of the functions of each window. The windows are the Hierarchy(in dark red), Scene and Game windows(in red), Inspector(in green), and Project and Console in blue.
The Hierarchy shows you a list of all the game objects that are in the current scene. While the Scene and Game windows show the actual objects, the Scene tap allows for the position of each and every game object. The Game window will show what the camera object see’s. The Inspector shows all the components that the game objects has, components define the behavior. Lastly, we have the Project and console windows. The Project shows all assets in the folder, some may not be in the scene and some can be. This is where you will find all of your scripts as well. The Console will show any warnings, failures, or debug messages. The great thing about Unity is that all of these windows can be moved around to your liking!
In the top right corner you will see the word default. When you click it a drop down will come up with different options. These are your different predefined layouts. To get a layout as seen above, click tall layout.
Grab the game tab and drag it to the bottom.
In the project window click the kebab menu(three vertical dots) and select one column layout.
This layout allows you to see the game and scene view at the same time. It allows for multiple folders to be open while being able to see the Hierarchy. This isn’t the only way to layout your projects. This is what works for me. Doing what works well for you is what should be done. Have fun playing around with the windows and finding something that works great for you!