Day 110: Beginning of a new Project.

Tyler Smallwood
2 min readMar 23, 2022
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Objective: Create new 2D project to port to mobile.

Today we will create our new project. Like always we will open up the Unity Hub. I currently have Unity Hub 3.1.0 beta.1. So my Hub may look different.

We are going to use 2019.4.28 LTS version of Unity. Since this game will go to the google play store and maybe with a chance of going to the apple store, we will need to add these modules to our Unity version. In the hub on the left hand side click Install.

We will hit the gear on the right of 2019.4.28 and click add modules.

We will add just the Android Build Suppor and the SDK and JDK for now.

Click continue, reading and agreeing with the terms select agree and wait for it to install.

Next will be to Go back to Projects and click on New Project at the top right.

Select 2D template and at the center top verify it is the version you want to use. Also on the right hand side you can name your project and set the destination.

Just click Create Project and we are now on our way to creating a new game!

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!



Tyler Smallwood

I am passonate on learning to program and use Unity to become a skillful Unity Developer