Creating Your First Action
Objective: Create some Dog actions.
Time to create our first Action. The action we will create is the input to be able to move the character around using WASD. Let’s Create our Action Map Dog.
In the Actions Panel we will create a new action.
For different bindings we can refer to these documents.
To set it up to use WASD we will need to change the Action Type from Button to Value and change Control Type from Button to Vector 2.
Go back to the Movement Action and select the plus sign and select “Add Up/Down/Left/Right Composite”.
Selecting this will change the options under the Action.
Now we select each up, down, left, and right to bind keys from the keyboard for each. I am setting up Up is W, Down is S, left is A, and Right is D. To do this select one and in the right panel beside Panel select the drop down and select listen. Once you select Listen just tap the key and it will find it and display it. Now just select it.
I’ve done this for each of them.
Another type of Action we can create is a hold of a key for a certain amount of time before it starts to work. We will create a new Action by hitting plus. I also bind the Left Control to it.
Now for the interaction of holding for one second of holding Left Control we will start running. With the binding selected in the right panel under the path we can see a section named Interactions.
Beside Interactions select the plus sign and select Hold.
We have a few options, one for Press Point and Hold Time. We want to use Hold Time.
We will deselect Default and change it from .4 to 1.
We all know how to do two different Actions using the input system. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!