Adding Post Processing Profiles in Unity
Objective: Cover the bases of how to add Post Processing to your scene.
Let’s make our game or scene look beautiful with Post Processing! We will start by adding a Global Volume. In the Hierarchy, right click and go to Volume →Global Volume.
Now we have a Global Volume in the Hierarchy. It comes with a volume component attached.
In the volume component there is nothing in the Profile reference. We can create one by just clicking New.
Now that we have a Profile we can now see a new button, ‘Add Override’. Adding overrides will allow us to create beautiful scenes in Unity. We will cover only a couple but the best way to learn about the different overrides is to just play with it.
Bloom gives light or emissions the brightness of the scene.
Color Adjustments allow to add color to the scene. This could help to set the atmosphere of the scene to a certain style. You could use blue to make it seem more cold or red to make it seem hot.
Lastly, we can use lens distortion to give the scene a fish eye look if that was needed in project. When playing with this override, one will have to pay attention to the Game window as this affects the camera.
With these you can create a beautiful scene. Just based on adjusting a few settings and adding a few overrides, one can get the look the want.
Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!